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This track allows us to access the Veglia Alp from the Ciamporino Alp. Along the path, some information panels display the peculiarities of the Park’s flora, help with the identification of its species, and provide information on the extraordinary adaptation mechanisms of such plants to severe high-mountain environmental conditions. The Alps are from a flora perspective the richest in all of Europe: a whole world to be discovered.
The slight altitude differences, the well-maintained paths, the wide look on the Lion Mountain (Monte Leone), and the coming down to the Veglia Alp from above are high-standard qualities of this excursion and its scenary.

Pay attention when you get to Ciamporino, don’t get fooled by the conspicuous trail which takes us along the mountainside at much higher altitudes: that would be the one used to maintain the water pipelines and will lead you to nowhere!
From the place of arrival of the chairlift we must immediately take a left and go slightly down up to the crossing of a brook. From here we start going along a long path along the mountainside with some ups and downs while entertaining a beautiful view on the Cairasca Torrent gully up until we reach the Porteia ad Maror which is where the Park can be entered. From here onwards the path starts going down to the woods, we surpass the fork in the road towards the Stalaregno Plain and reach La Balma and thus the Veglia Plain.

Last update: 06/03/2018 ore 11:04:58

Itinerary informations

Starting Point

Ciamporino Alp



Altitude Difference Going Up

100 m

Altitude Difference Going Down

320 m

Track Length

6 km (one-way)

Elapsed Track Traversal Time

2 h 00 min

Track Numbers


Difficulty Level

E (medium). Be careful! The track includes some exposed tracts geared with chains. These are not at all difficult but could be troublesome to those who suffer from vertigo.

Recommended Time Period

Mid June-October


Divedro Valley


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