This beautiful ring-shaped walk allows us to discover the high-altitude prairies of the Toggia Valley and at the same time admire 4 lakes. We are in the Bettelmatt cheese production area. From Riale we take the track marked G20 which crosses the hairpin bends of the road to the Saint Giacomo Mountain Pass. At the end of the steep uphill path we continue along the road which first reaches the Maria Luisa Mountain Hut and then goes up to the Toggia Lake Dam.
From here onwards the road continues as a weak slope coasting all of the lake. Ignoring the fork in the road towards the Regina Alp we carry on straight until we arrive at the Saint Giacomo Mountain Pass where we can turn our look towards the underlying Bedretto Valley. On our way back we take the path which along the mountainside goes up to Chalk Cliff ad then to the Boden Lakes.
From the lakes we go down across the mountainside amid high-altitude prairies and debris fields up to reaching the Castel Alp from which along an Alpine pasture track we get back to the crossing with the road for Riale which we take down to Riale.
Last update: 06/03/2018 ore 10:23:48