From Bugliaga we start going up towards the Posette Mountain Passes and thus take the detour along the Lavazza Alp – Vallescia Alp path via a long trail which goes along the mountainside up until the edge of the woods where the Vallesca Alp is reached next to the Swiss boundary. From the reached Alp we can enjoy a breathtaking scenery on the Sempione mountains. From the Alpine lodging houses we take a right and go lightly up the other nice basin of the Camoscella Alp. We proceed along the mountainside up until we reach the nice crest line along the Gialit Mountain Pass and thus reach the Possette Mountain Pass. From here we start a long descent till Bugliaga along the GTA (Great Alps Traversal) path passing by the Ciampalbino, Balma, Orzalina, and Casalavera Alps
Last update: 06/03/2018 ore 11:22:47